Why do girls don't like good guys
Have you ever thought about why we chase after good things, we will read good books with good books, we can congratulate good. Here they follow us a tail, give flowers, all our jumps are tolerated – and the heart does not lie. Why so?
Because you will not deceive yourself. The absence of bad qualities in a man does not make him good. Yes, he does not drink, does not sweat a mat, does not shake the nerves, but that's all. He also does not cause any emotions, rather, like a sticky gum, boring and the horror of a stereotypical boy. In this article, let's find out why good guys do not particularly like girls.
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if the heart does not beat a man near his husband, it is unbearable and lonely with him, what is his profile from his beauty? Well, he sees the bed himself and can fry himself potatoes, but you are bored with him, you are annoyed with his monotonous voice, stupid anecdotes, limited outlook and inability to show empathy. So what is the case to what is it reliable or clean?
The advantages are relevant when a person likes when he is warm and communicating in a honey. And if from one type of unsuccessful fan begins to mutate, it acts as a robot without showing any spontaneity, then what are all these virtues? Do you not buy non -loving ice cream just because it meets all quality standards, perfectly refreshes in the heat and is cheap? No, you do not love him or want it. So why do you betray this logic in the case of your husband?
That is why good guys put on a crown on their head and do not hardly try in a relationship. Why put a soul into a girl if he formally meets all the requirements? Many of them do not even notice that they are banal – say typical compliments, write standard SMS, dryly tamper in the cheek. Outwardly, you will not be attached, but it does not cancel the freshness from which the ladies bring the jaw. The heart requires emotions that are not, and the girl begins to boil. It is annoying literally everything – the rich voice of the fan, lack of feeling of style, spotting, barking laughter. Therefore, she concludes that she cannot tolerate the right men, that they give her spoiled. And of course she is wrong.They are brave, bold, spontaneous, emotional – in a word, alive! With them you do not have to do, from them and the primitive male character. In doing so, they can also be honest, noble, faithful and reliable. Their steep hatche does not abolish all of these merits. And if it happens that he will behave from a row badly – he will pursue, threaten or try to clamp the girl in the entrance – everything will be clear here from the first time. Before her, a tyrant and a balagur that does not fit her. in some ways it is easy with them. They do not hide their intentions, do not try to give themselves up for those who are not. While good guys often play some games, hiding their double bottom, trying to show themselves to real gentlemen. Of course, girls feel treacherous, so they are unconsciously annoying and boiling, although they can not prove anything. Those do not let them objectively put a point. slave psychology Another disadvantage of “Garnality” is the habit of pai bogs to press on pity, to show excessive compassion with full disrespect for other people's borders. Good guys cling to girls, like Velcro, they try to please them in everything, humbly performing any stroke. They are looking for approval, they want to demonstrate a dog devotion. Instead of being themselves and carefully protecting their autonomy, they exhibit cowards with weak borders that are forced to lie and pretend. It is difficult for them to say directly that something does not like. That the girl's behavior offends them, strains, causes pain. No, they continue to endure and swallow her whims, endlessly bending, saying “yes” even when I want to say “no.” And you know what is the trick? They are waiting for the same behavior from their partners. For girls to play them and give them, ignoring their true feelings. Once he is so good, she has to support this game. But how genuine will be the relationships in which everyone spits on for the sake of some rules? Is it normal-to give up your “I”? With a bad partner, everything will always not be like that. Now you understand why “good guys” are not always so good? You will quickly catch up with boredom, aggression and degradation. Other is not given.
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