Why do housewives put a glass in the pot when cooking meat
Thanks to a cooking technique that cooks have used since time immemorial when cooking meat, the first dish turns out to be very tasty. The meat becomes juicy and melts in the mouth, and the broth is rich and transparent. It's hard to believe that a simple glass added to a pot while cooking pork or chicken can achieve these results.
Of course, there are no nutrients or flavor enhancers in glassware. The secret lies in the temperature.
It is known that the water in which the meat is cooked should not be heated to temperatures higher than 95 degrees.
Experienced cooks claim that the liquid should not boil, after all, it is violent boiling that spoils the entire taste of the product.
Many years ago, when modern culinary thermometers were not yet available that allow you to determine the degree of heating, the owners had to resort to all kinds of tricks.
Yes. , they lowered a small vessel made of strong glass into the water and listened – in the event that the glass made a tapping sound, rattling from the contact with the bottom of the pan, it meant that the temperature was too high for cooking a delicious meat broth, and the power of the fire should be reduced.
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