Why do housewives sprinkle bacon with flour while frying?
The popular English breakfast certainly includes eggs, baked beans, toast and fried bacon. Recently, fried pieces of bacon can often be seen on tables and among representatives of other countries. However, not all housewives know how to fry bacon properly to truly enjoy their first meal.
Firstly, thinly sliced pieces of pork, although they have nothing in common with lard, release fat during cooking.
In order not to splash the entire kitchen with fat drops, experienced chefs have found a simple solution – it is believed that it is enough to lightly sprinkle with flour, which browns in a frying pan.
This simple action will not only protect against fat splashes, but also make the bacon slices crispy.
Secondly, you can save time and energy by replacing cooking in a hot frying pan with baking in a preheated oven.
It is enough to spread the bacon pieces on a baking sheet covered with parchment or foil and send them to the oven for a few minutes.
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