Why do housewives use a hairdryer when making a cake?

Mirror glaze is a spectacular shiny coating that is increasingly used to decorate cakes or pastries. However, only experienced chefs can make such a decoration. And the point is not even in the preparation of the glaze itself, the ingredients for which can be bought in a regular supermarket, but in its application. Achieving a perfectly even coating requires a lot of effort.


But if you are determined to surprise your guests gathered at the festive table with a homemade cake with mirror glaze, the application process can be significantly simplified.

To do this, use a trick that professionals use in their kitchens.

Pour a little glaze into the center of the cake and distribute it over the surface using a warm stream of air from a hair dryer.

In this matter, it is important not to overdo it with the pressure of the air flow – even the lowest speed will help you achieve even distribution and form beautiful flows.

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Author: alex

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