Why do kidney stones appear and how to prevent it


if urine is darkened-a sign is a sign on the approach. These deposits are washed out of the body with urine and, if large enough, capable of delivering a lot of troubles. And as a bonus-germ unbearable back pain or lower abdomen.

Doctors suggest that every tenth inhabitant of the planet is faced with kidney stones at one time or another. Contact your doctor

Call an ambulance or, depending on your condition, immediately dial a therapist, urologist or nephrologist for consultation if:

  • >Pain in the lower abdomen or lower back is so sharp and severe that you cannot find a place;
  • Painful sensations are accompanied by nausea or vomiting; Serious impaired kidney function or possible damage to the urinary tract, which leads to their infection. The consequences can be the most serious, up to the death of the kidney and the patient himself.

    How to recognize kidney stones

    is quite often zero -haired disease is asymptomatic. That is, the formation in the kidneys is, but they do not manifest themselves – because of small size. Problems begin when salt deposits become large enough or block the ureter – a tube that connects the kidneys and bladder. In this case, urine cannot emerge from the kidney, which leads to the appearance of renal colic.stupid, or acute lumbar pain, which are exacerbated by the slightest physical activity or shaking – for example, when driving in public transport;

  • sometimes there is a sharp pain when urinating;
  • muddy dark urine; Similar symptoms, be sure to consult a therapist as soon as possible. The doctor will send you to ultrasound to help diagnose urolithiasis.

    Where do the kidney stones come from

    the appearance of stones is usually caused not by any one, but a whole complex of reasons. Here are the main ones.

    1. Liquid disadvantage

    kidney stones are formed when the urine contains more crystalline substances (calcium, oxalates, uric acid) than the liquid can dilute. If your body does not receive water and lives in a slight dehydration, the risk of earning urolithiasis increases.

    2. Incorrect diet

    deposits can provoke excessively salty or sweet foods, as well as bust with red meat, smoked products, canned food, shellfish and some species of greens – spinach, sorrel, celery, asparagus, soybean, rhubarb. So cheese, yoghurts can continue to eat without restrictions.

    3. Inflammatory bowel disease

    For example, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, chronic diarrhea. They disrupt the digestive process that affects the absorption of calcium and water and increases the amount of crystalline substances in the urine.

    4. Obesity

    If you suffer from obesity, that is, you have a body mass index (BMI) 30 and above, the risk of urolithiasis increases twice.

    5. Heredity

    The tendency to form stones in the kidneys can be due to genetic factors. Be especially careful if one of your closest relatives is diagnosed with urolithiasis.

    6. Taking some drugs

    can stimulate the appearance of stones:

    • Separate antibiotics, including ciprofloxacin and sulfonamides;
    • some drugs used for the treatment of HIV and AIDS; Small nuance: thiazide type diuretics, on the contrary, help prevent stones from appearing).

    7. The presence of other diseases

    kidney stones often become a side effect of:

    • certain genetic diseases (for example, a medullary spongy kidney-birth defect, which causes the formation of cysts in the kidney); stimulates the formation of stones);
    • gout (in this disease uric acid accumulates in the blood);
    • hyperparathyroidism (this failure of the parathyroid glands increases the level of calcium in the blood and urine);
    • the renal tubular acidosis. Therapist (or urologist, nephrologist, if you came to them immediately) listens to your complaints, will conduct an examination. If he suspects kidney problems, he will propose to pass several tests:

      • Do a blood test: this will provide information about the amount of calcium and uric acid in it;
      • to pass urine analysis;
      • undergo ultrasound, computer tomography or abdominal X -ray.In small (up to 0.5 centimeter) formations prescribed conservative therapy. The doctor recommends you drink 1.9-2.8 liters of fluid a day to wash the pebble naturally. Paracetamol or ibuprofen is usually prescribed to reduce pain to reduce pain. In some cases, alpha blockers will be required: they relax the muscles of the ureter, facilitating the passage of stones. One session lasts 40-60 minutes and is carried out under sedation or slight anesthesia. Four to five sessions may be required to get rid of stones.

        Another variant-method of intracorporeal lithotripsy. This procedure is performed exclusively under anesthesia. During it, a surgical tool is introduced into the urinary tract, and the stones are crushed with a laser and immediately removed. Webmd medical experts recommend drinking at least 10 glasses of water a day. Water in one of these glasses can be replaced with orange or lemon juice: such a drink helps to slow down the formation of stones. Reduce the amount of meat, especially red, canned food, smoked and harmful to the kidneys (types listed above).

      • Try to get rid of excess weight. Or at least not to bring yourself to obesity.

      and of course, you should monitor your health. To catch kidney stones in the early stages of development, at least once a year pass a preventive examination with a nephrologist or urologist and do an ultrasound.

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Author: alex

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