Why do people are afraid to earn a lot: these psychological blocks stop you

a lot of people. One of the most common reasons is the negative beliefs about money. These are the phrases you could hear in your childhood and they have etched in your mind.To check, start with a small test to check your consciousness. Read the phrases, and choose the one that describes your state and attitude now:

  • you can work a lot and make a lot of
  • you can work a lot and earn a little money
  • you can work and earn a little money
  • you can work and earn a lot of the first time. the fourth ”, – summarizes the expert.

    why the brain protects against big money

      habitual status as a safety of

      “Brain safety is to constantly be in the comfort zone. A person gets used to a certain level of income and lifestyle. And big money and the opportunity to earn is the exit from this security zone. Therefore, every new idea is initially perceived by the brain as something dangerous and the worst scenarios live in thoughts, ”Anna explains. In this way, it is important for him to protect you from any change. This happens because the subconscious is looking for ways to return to the usual status.

      “Many people see a picture of successful success on social networks and do not see the number of attempts and failures. Therefore, most people depreciate the long way and often see it like sudden luck. And so they also hope for fast money, ” – says psychologist.

      • Fear of change and public pressure

      big money is a big change when friends and relatives look at you differently.

      “Asking for debt, someone can envy. This probability can subconsciously provoke sabotage. Man does not want to be “bad” in the eyes of loved ones, afraid of possible confrontation, can not refuse, so he decides not to start earning more, ” – says Anna.

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Author: alex

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