Why do people put glassware in a pot when cooking meat?

Every cook has their own life hacks that simplify cooking or help reveal a dish in a new taste. Experienced chefs told about one old trick that helps make the meat tender and juicy, and the broth as transparent as possible.


The correct temperature for cooking meat, according to professional chefs, is 75-95 °C.

Previously, chefs did not boil meat, because the product gives all its delicious and healthy properties to the broth. In addition, the meat will remain dry. The broth in this mode boils away and destroys all the taste.

A glass, crystal glass or glass stopper from a decanter act as a kind of temperature indicator.

When the liquid boils, they will start to rattle and indicate that the meat has stopped cooking properly. The temperature is set so that the water does not boil and the glass object does not rattle.

With this trick, the optimal cooking or stewing temperature is achieved, at which the meat will become extremely tender, juicy and very tasty. With moderate cooking, the broth will be as transparent as possible.

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Author: alex

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