Why do scientists call tea with lemon a drink of longevity?
Substances with which tea with lemon provides the body have the property of strengthening immunity , improving human protection against infections.
According to scientists from the USA, tea with lemon can be called a drink of longevity – thanks to its beneficial effect, the chances of prolonging life increase.
In particular, they note, that adding lemon to black tea improves the assimilation of tea antioxidants – “the ability of the body to absorb antioxidants from tea due to lemon increases by approximately 80 percent”. substances useful for maintaining health. When drinking tea with lemon, certain doses of calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, bioflavonoids are obtained.
If you make drinking tea with lemon a regular habit (if there are no contraindications, of course), it can really become a drink of longevity for a person. The listed substances can effectively maintain a good heart condition, help control weight, and improve digestion.
In addition, “they help strengthen immunity, fight infections.”
The result of this may be an increase in life expectancy. , specialists allow.
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