Why do some gardeners sprinkle soda around bushes and trees?

The gardening season is associated not only with harvesting a large harvest, but also with a multitude of tasks, thanks to which they get a lot of fruits and berries. Some summer residents have adopted a trick using soda. They say that thanks to it, several problems can be solved at once.


It turns out that the method is not new, but simply a well-forgotten old way of fighting pests. This product has been used by summer residents for a long time.

The remedy, as it turned out, repels even the ubiquitous ants, which usually encroach on the plantings of many summer residents.

Gardeners point out that the method is not for those who are used to instant results – you need to wait one or two weeks. After that, you will see from the leaves of the trees that the ants have left.

Scatter soda around the raspberry patch or currant bushes, gooseberries, as well as trees – apple trees, cherries, pears, plums.

Summer residents claim that soda also strengthens the immunity of plants, but not everyone believes this.

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Author: alex

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