Why do violet roots rot: how to save a flowering plant

Violets are able to bloom most of the year. It is even difficult to imagine which houseplant can compete with them in this criterion. The problem with violets is only that their roots and leaves can start to rot.

Causes of rotten roots

Violets can react quite sharply to the heating season. Temperature drops create a stressful situation. Mostly the pot is on the windowsill, and here from under it begins to emit intense hot air, given that the window remains cold.

The most common mistake is overflow. In the cold season of the year, this often happens. Add to this a lack of nutrition. If you miss the beginning of the development of fungi in the soil, root rot is guaranteed.

If you see that the roots of the violets have begun to rot, it's time to check the roots. Remove the plant from the pot. The blackened parts must be removed. Disinfect and transplant into new and nutritious soil. Fungicidal treatment is extremely important, so do not ignore this requirement. For prevention, add a little crushed activated carbon to the soil. Now the violet will survive and continue to bloom.

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Author: alex

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