Why do we need a romantic relationship? Basic psychological needs

When love goes to the background, a new, ration. It is at this point that relationships often end, and the reason for this is the inconsistency of reality with expectations.

Of course, everyone is looking for something in relations. But, as psychologists' research shows, there are some common needs that are important to most people and often the cause of a break in relationships. It is this point that often becomes a stumbling block – people do not want to continue the relationship unless they cannot trust the elect and do not feel safe in this relationship.

The second aspect is the need for understanding. A person needs to be listened to and drowning into problems. One of the most common complaints to psychologists with the other half is the lack of understanding and ability to conduct a constructive dialogue.

in third place – the need to feel your own significance. This means that a person in a relationship tries and works on them, including in order to receive approval from a partner and show their importance for him. It is said that people want to maintain their interests, friendly contacts and the opportunity not to report all their actions. But perhaps this is only if there is trust between partners that returns us to the first item.

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Author: alex

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