Why do women live longer than men? Scientists find the key to the premature death of men in the heart
Men and women age differently and at different stages. There are things that happen to men but not to women, and vice versa. In general, women live longer than men. Why this is so is the subject of research by scientists.
Researchers have discovered that the loss of a sex chromosome may be the reason why men die earlier than women. Loss of this chromosome causes scarring of the heart muscle and leads to heart failure.
“Especially after the age of 60, men die faster than women. It seems that they biologically age faster. Men may benefit from a drug that affects the scarring caused by the loss of this chromosome.
In addition to heart failure, loss of the Y chromosome can lead to the development of common neurological disease. Previous research has shown that men who have lost the Y chromosome are at greater risk of developing the most common form of dementia.
Alzheimer's disease is one of the leading causes of death and is part of the deadly neurodegenerative umbrella of dementia.
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