Why do women suffer from senile dementia more often?

Scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences have identified another reason according to which women have an increased risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. It is possible that this is related to some biological pathways.

It is well known that a woman is much more likely to experience senile dementia than a man, and it is explained not only by the fact that the average life expectancy of women is higher . Women do not live twice as long as men, but their risk of dementia is twice as high, and the reason for this phenomenon remains unclear. And now researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences have given a seemingly absolutely clear answer to this question, which has puzzled the best scientific minds for decades.

Theorized that the C/EBPβ/AEP biological pathway is the main factor , which controls the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases. The study was based on this theory, and its authors looked for female hormones that can change during menopause. It was determined which hormone selectively activates the C/EBPβ/AEP pathway. It turned out to be follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and it is the main pathogenic factor.

During menopause, the concentration of FSH in the serum increases strongly, binding to the cognate FSH receptors on neurons and activating the C pathway /EBPβ/AEP. This leads to pathological accumulations of proteins, as well as to the development of atopic dermatitis. All this greatly increases the risk of developing senile dementia.

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Author: alex

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