Why do you add a spoonful of milk to the pot when cooking rice?
If you follow the actions of professional chefs while cooking rice, you can pay attention to one interesting feature. Many chefs prefer to use an additional ingredient – milk.
Usually, one spoonful of milk drink goes into the pan. This is done when the water containing the cereal has already reached a boil.
It is clear that novice cooks cannot help but be interested in this action. The question immediately arises: “Why do we need a milk component?”
What effect does milk have?
Using this ingredient helps prevent a common problem. This is the sticking of rice cereal.
Due to the milk, the porridge will definitely not turn out to be sticky. The dish will turn out to be crumbly. This means that the side dish will turn out flawless.
Adding a milk drink to hot water gives another interesting effect: the porridge will definitely not boil over. The dish will heat up evenly and will acquire an acceptable consistency.
Important nuance
Only cold milk should be poured into the pan with rice. The fact is that it is important to achieve the effect of a temperature difference, even if it is minimal.
But if you use a warm drink, you will not be able to guarantee that you will get crumbly and non-sticky rice.
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