Why do you want to sleep during the day: scientists named an unexpected reason

The need for daytime sleep in an adult A person's sleep may be caused not just by fatigue, but by a genetic predisposition.

According to a new study by scientists at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), the need for sleep may be hardwired into our DNA. In the process of work, they studied the data of the British biobank, which contained genetic and general information of 452,633 people. In particular, scientists were interested in data on how often they sleep.

It is noted that there are 123 regions in the human genome associated with daytime naps, and, according to the authors, this shows that the need for sleep “biologically determined” and not inspired by the environment.

The results of the study also showed that there are mechanisms in the human genome that contribute to drowsiness in some people, while others are not affected at all, such as:

  • tendency to sleep, i.e. “some people need more sleep than others”,
  • ability to get up early, they may need to “make up for lost time” in sleep;
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  • disruption of the previous night's sleep – a short sleep can “compensate for a bad one”.

This work and understanding of genetic markers of daytime sleep can help doctors develop individual recommendations for sleep, said the author of the study Iyas Douglas.

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Author: alex

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