Why domestic plants from the store die at home
Bringing home a houseplant from the store, we look forward to the same lush and abundant flowering and unsurpassed appearance. But not always everything goes as you want! Most often the first few days (10-14) the flower behaves at home quite normal, and then begins! Yellow leaves, buds fall, expose the trunk, and, after all, the plant dies! And money, sometimes not small, in the wind.
let's understand the reasons and possible ways to eliminate them.Fertilizers
grow plants in greenhouses using growth or flowering stimulants. Here the principle is this: when the flower gets home no longer receives those trace elements that support it, in a giant amount and begins to be angry. Some plants manage to survive this crisis, somehow no.Often problems with the already home flower occur due to the change of microclimate around the plant. Imagine in the past place of residence around the flower there was a certain humidity, temperature and level of light. But, this is an ambiguous solution.
- First, the plant requires urgent transplanting if it has, for example, insects pests in the soil or have problems with the root system (rot). Let them get used to the new living conditions of the week 2-3. This is stress for the plant. We intensify the situation transplanting and get “double stress”.
It is better to help adapt to new conditions and spray with a drug called Epin. manner. Not the fact that the same care is suitable for two identical plants, even if they stand side by side.
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