Why eating potatoes is good for health
Being one of the most versatile vegetables, potatoes are rich in vitamins, fiber and other necessary nutrients.
Potatoes are a low-calorie product – an average baked potato contains only 110 calories. This vegetable is rich in phytonutrients, organic components of plants that are believed to promote health. In particular, potatoes contain phytonutrients such as flavonoids and carotenoids, known anti-inflammatory antioxidants. Potatoes also contain another antioxidant – vitamin C. According to research, the listed antioxidant substances can prevent or delay some types of cell damage, thereby preventing the development of cancer. In addition, they improve digestion, heart health, blood pressure.
In turn, the potato peel contains a wide range of minerals, including potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, and selenium. Research also suggests that potato skins have powerful antioxidant potential due to the presence of two dominant phenolic compounds: chlorogenic and gallic acids. These compounds can help maintain good heart health by reducing cell damage from free radicals.
When potatoes are boiled and cooled, they contain a type of starch called resistant starch, which acts like soluble fiber. helping you feel fuller and consume fewer calories. Thus, potatoes are useful even for weight loss.
How to eat potatoes with health benefits. It is best to eat them whole, in an unprocessed form. Perhaps the healthiest way to prepare a product is to bake it in a microwave oven with the skin on, in this case the loss of nutrients due to heat treatment will be minimal.
Boiled potatoes, not peeled and not chopped, are also useful. Boiling potatoes without the skin can reduce the content of nutrients in it – for example, vitamin C and vitamins of group B.
In general, the mentioned cooking methods allow the minerals, proteins and fiber contained in the product to be preserved quite well. It is best to complement potato dishes with olive oil, greens and herbs, salads.
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