Why experienced gardeners don't throw away dandelions

Any responsible summer resident, upon seeing a dandelion, immediately sets out to weed it, because these tenacious flowers can spread throughout the entire plot in a short time. However, you should not rush to throw away these weeds: they can save you.

How to use dandelions

Universal top dressing

Many gardeners use so-called green fertilizers, which take any weed as a basis. Dandelion can also be such an ingredient.

It is worth finding about a kilogram of flowers and chopping them, sending them to a container with 10 liters of water and waiting 14 days.

After that, the concentrate must be filtered and diluted with water: the same amount of liquid for 10 liters of top dressing. Fertilization is suitable for almost all types of plants.

It is carried out once every 14 days.

The plant material itself should not be thrown away after filtering – send the remains to the compost.

Against pests

A special remedy based on dandelion can cope with any type of aphid, which significantly increases the chances of harvesting a rich harvest.

The method is used both for preventive purposes and to combat the pest population.

To do this, pour 300 g of crushed plant material into a bucket of water and leave for 12 hours. The remedy is filtered and, without dilution, is sent to a container with a spray bottle.

After that, spraying is carried out.

It can be carried out several times during the season, giving the plants a “break” of 4 days.

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Author: alex

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