Why experienced housewives put salt in a washing machine
The washing machine has long become one of the main assistants of modern hostesses. The presence of a large number of modes allows you to wash things qualitatively, without pre -soaking. But, unfortunately, often after such washing, the linen changes its shade, regardless of its original color. How to solve the problem?
Inventive housewives have found a way to solve this problem: the linen retains its color without the use of expensive means. Normal salt that is in every kitchen!
1 will help you. Why do things lose color
The linen is dimmed not only by the frequent washing, but also through the remnants of the powder that remain on the fabric. For this reason, white underwear can turn gray. This is often due to the fact that the recommendations for the care of one or another type of tissue are not made. All the conditions of careful washing are depicted on a label or shortcut. But why pay more if there is a proven budget!
2. Add salt not only to food
In addition to the main purpose, salt is often used in everyday life: eliminates clogging in pipes and unpleasant odors, cleansing surfaces.
The problem of color loss will be solved if you add 1 tablespoon of food salt to the rinse washing machine. Salt will help to rinse the powder of clothes qualitatively. It is best to use Extra salt.
- If you need to refresh old things, leave in a warm saline solution for 30-40 minutes. This method will also help to secure the color of the product if the fabric, for example, sheds. After salt procedure, send a thing to the washing machine and wash in the right mode.
- Salt is not only necessary to preserve the color of the product. It copes well with dirty spots on the fabric. The main thing is to do it on time. For example, you poured wine into your favorite blouse. Immediately pour this place with salt and then soak the thing for half an hour in cold water. And only then wash the blouse in the machine.
- We all are aware that blood stains should only be washed in cold water. But few people know that the spots will be easier if salt is added to the water. Then things are drunk in warm water.
- If blood stains are afraid of cold water, sweat spots are easily drained in hot water. Wash such clothes in a solution with proportions: 3 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water.Salt spots, of course, the salt itself will not cope. But if you add lemon juice to the salt, you will achieve the desired result. Grease the stain with the resulting mixture, rub the stain, and then let the clothes dry. After that, drink the linen in the washing machine on Rinse mode.
Don't be afraid to wash with salt! This is safe for any type of fabric. Long tulles and curtains will be no exception. Just add salt to the detergent (3 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water) and wash in the usual mode.If you decide to use salt while washing, you will have another nice bonus: things will become soft, as after using an expensive air conditioning. The effect does not depend on the type of washing: manual or machine.
3. The magic bag
If you are afraid of pouring crystals of salt into the “for rinsing” department, you can make a special bag in which salt will be and throw it into the drum of the washing machine. One tablespoon of salt will be required for one day. Take the salt, as it should not dissolve during the first stage of washing.
1. Pour in a handkerchief or a napkin salt. The decor element will be white and fresh, as if you only took it from a dry cleaning. The budget remedy has proved much more effective than expensive advertised means.
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