Why flowers are watered with sour milk


sour milk is a great product for the garden. Someone uses it on fritters, and gardeners pour flowers and other plants. For them, it is a natural fungicidal agent that helps to fight the defeat of blight or powdery mildew, rust, and scab. Gardeners are well aware of how difficult it is to cure these diseases, so all the means will be good in the fight.9 liters of clean water should be taken per 1 liter of milk. Pay attention to the temperature requirements for the components – they should be at room temperature. 100 g of sugar is added to the mixture. The tool is infused for 30 minutes. This mixture is watered compost in the garden and sprinkled with earth. It helps to work better to work lactic bacteria on creating an ecological fertilizer for the garden.

To feed the plants, prepare a mixture of sour milk and plain water in a ratio of 1 to 10. Water the ground within 50 cm around the flowers and other plants, and then abundantly watered with water.

to combat blight to a mixture Milk can be used for irrigation and spraying. Given the stickiness of the liquid, the plants receive a thin layer of protective film from pests and bacteria. Note that for preventive treatment of diseases, the solution is made in a ratio of 1 to 3. For 1 liter of sour milk take 3 liters of water. You can spray the plants early in the morning. The treatment is carried out 2-3 times a month.

if feeding of sour milk is intended for irrigation, then first make the soil more loose. This will help the nutrients to get into the root system of plants, not stay on the surface.

sour milk love not only decorative flowers, but also vegetable crops. For example, tomatoes, cucumbers, fruit trees. So stock up on sour milk – there will be a lot of work in the garden.

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Author: alex

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