Why gardeners don't recommend cutting lavender low in the fall
Everyone knows very well about pruning lavender, that it is not recommended to leave it without carrying out this procedure for the winter. If you also have this beautiful, capricious plant in your garden, then information from experienced gardeners will be useful to you.
Risks for lavender
In winter, lavender bushes need protection. It is advisable to cover it, but even with such care it can freeze. In spring, it is disappointing to see dry bushes that will not revive.
How to prune
Gardeners recommend cutting off flower stalks, but at the same time do not do too deep classic pruning. Shorten the height of the shoots a little. It is recommended to carry out the main pruning of bushes in the spring.
Regarding the choice of material for shelter. It is recommended to use non-woven material – lutrasil with a density of 60. This will be the optimal level of protection for the plant from low temperatures and precipitation.
Read also:
Growers explained whether it is necessary to cover lavender for the winter
How to profitably and quickly propagate lavender in the fall: a step-by-step action plan
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