Why going to bed after midnight is harmful to health: the doctor explains

< p>Many people go to bed when the clock already shows the time after midnight, but the doctor warns that this is a very unhealthy habit.

The end of the working day often flies by unnoticed due to the large number of things we are trying to do perform. Therefore, the beginning of night rest is postponed until midnight. Meanwhile, going to bed after midnight has a big negative impact on the quality of sleep, our productivity, and general health, sleep specialist and neuroscientist Chelsea Rohrscheib recalled in an interview.

According to the doctor , the human body has an internal clock that sets it to sleep as soon as the sun sets and it starts to get dark. When it dawns, the production of the hormone melatonin, which regulates sleep, is inhibited in the body, and it begins to be actively produced in the dark time of the day – this is how we wake up. This behavior has been fixed for thousands of years.

“As a rule, the natural signal for sleep appears long before midnight. But the longer you stay awake, the more the natural sleep cycle is disrupted,” explains the doctor.

According to Rorscheib, those who go to bed later usually sleep longer and may miss hours of daylight. Thus, their body does not receive sunlight in the amount necessary to maintain its biorhythm. As a result, concentration of attention deteriorates, learning difficulties arise, and memory problems.

“Some studies have shown that people who go to bed late and struggle to wake up in the morning may have a shorter life expectancy. The risk of mental disorders and diabetes also increases,” the expert added.

Rorscheib specified that sometimes going to bed after midnight is not scary, but at least on weekdays it is better to do it before twelve.

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Author: alex

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