Why it can be useful to sleep in socks: 5 health benefits of such a dream
The good news for those who like to sleep in socks is that they can actually be good for your health for a number of reasons.
Actually, the opinions of various experts regarding the benefits of sleeping in socks differ. However, there is a lot of evidence that this type of sleep is clearly better for many people.If you have trouble falling asleep and are the type of person who first has to toss and turn for a long time to get comfortable in bed, try starting to sleep in socks. According to available research data, people who wear socks fall asleep 15 to 30 minutes faster. Scientists explain this by the fact that the feet warm up in socks, and this includes a compensatory mechanism – individual blood vessels begin to function so that the body cools down. In turn, a slight decrease in temperature is one of the physical signs of sleep, and the brain perceives it as a command to sleep.
This can protect against infection.Another reason to go to bed in socks: you get a chance to get sick less often. When the lower extremities are cold, the autonomic nervous system restricts blood flow to the respiratory tract. As a result, the mucous membranes of the nose become cold and dry, which reduces their resistance to viruses. Socks warm the feet and protect them from this – this is the conclusion of German experts from the Health Promotion Center in the Rhineland region.
Improves the condition of the skin of the feet. To cope with the problem of dry feet and cracks on the heels, you can apply cream on your feet, put on socks and sleep for a few hours. Socks help lock in moisture and are therefore very effective in treating dry and cracked skin.
Helps with hot flashes during menopause. Sleeping in socks helps the female body during menopause to better regulate its internal temperature, which reduces the likelihood of night sweats or hot flashes.
Contributes to recovery. If you have a cold and go to bed in socks with pieces of onion in them, it can give the body an additional boost to fight the disease. Pieces of onion in the socks help him with detoxification, which increases the chances of a faster recovery.
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