Why it is useful to eat one banana every day: 5 reasons

One for the reasons that explain the appropriateness of bananas in the daily diet – they improve the condition of the intestinal microflora, promote good digestion.

Useful for digestion.Bananas are rich in pectin, a type of fiber that stimulates the intestines. They also differ in the presence of magnesium and potassium. Digestive problems are often caused by a lack of nutrients. If you eat one banana every day, you can prevent this problem.

Can help with stomach aches.Bananas are sometimes called “heartburn medicine” – they help with discomfort caused by excess stomach acid. This is not least due to their starch content. Banana pulp envelops the irritated mucous membrane of the stomach as a protective film, relaxes the digestive tract, and also has a positive effect on the acid-alkaline balance.

Elevates the mood. Bananas contain tryptophan, an amino acid that turns into the “hormone of joy” serotonin. They also increase the body's dopamine content, which also has an effect that improves the psychological state.

Provide energy. In bananas, fructose is combined with soluble fiber, and as a result, the glycemic load on the body turns out to be quite moderate – the blood sugar level after eating these fruits increases gradually, not sharply.

Protects against diseases. Potassium contained in bananas has a beneficial effect on blood pressure, improves blood circulation. In turn, researchers from South Korea's Kyungsang National University discovered that they contain a substance that reduces oxidative stress, which reduces the risk of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease.

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Author: alex

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