Why Ivan Kupala and the Christmas of John the Baptist are one holiday, date, history and traditions

Traditions and history of the Ivan Kupala holiday.

What does the Ivan Kupala holiday mean

Has it changed the date of the celebration of Ivan Kupala and the Christmas of John the Baptist in 2024

On the day of Ivan Kupala, another holiday is celebrated in Ukraine – the Christmas of John the Baptist. Ukrainians often equate these two holidays. From 2024, they will be celebrated on a new date, from June 23 to 24. Previously, the holiday was celebrated on the night of July 7, is a Julian date. But the holiday of Ivan Kupala is tied to the summer solstice and is celebrated on the shortest night of the year. That is why, according to the Gregorian calendar, it falls on the night from June 23 to 24.

How does the church holiday of the Nativity of John the Baptist differ from the folk holiday of Ivan Kupala

Ukrainians celebrate two holidays in one day, which in fact are not have nothing in common, but are very closely intertwined in the minds of Ukrainians. According to the church calendar, the Christmas of John the Baptist (aka John the Baptist) is celebrated on June 24.

  • Saint John the Baptist,according to biblical traditions, was a relative of Jesus Christ and his follower. It was he who baptized Jesus in the Jordan River and preached to the people about the coming of the Messiah. Ivan the Forerunner witnessed an epiphany – the descent of the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove. In the church calendar, there are six holidays a year dedicated to John the Baptist, and each of them is revered by the Ukrainian people. This is one of the most revered saints in the Christian tradition.
  • Kupalais a pagan holiday associated with astronomical phenomena. Mass festivities, games by the fire, night bathing — these are all ritual elements of the holiday, characteristic of the Slavs of pagan times. This holiday has been known since the 4th century AD. Since this holiday has taken root in the Ukrainian tradition, the church decided to “legitimize” it, and it was on this day that the church holiday of the Nativity of John the Baptist appeared. In its pagan origins, the holiday had the name Kupala, the name Ivan is a consequence of Christianization.

Ukrainian folk rites on the holiday of Ivan Kupala

There is evidence that the church banned the Kupala holiday as early as the 18th century. At the beginning of the 20th century, pagan rites began to disappear, but the tradition of weaving wreaths and letting them into the water, jumping over the fire remained. And the most famous preserved rite is bathing, which is why the holiday is called Kupala.

Kupala night still has a magical meaning for Ukrainians. The main elements of the celebration are stuffed animals of Kupala and Marena, which were specially prepared for the holiday. An obligatory attribute on the night of Kupala is a large bonfire, where people gathered for festivities.

In addition, jumping over the bonfire is an obligatory pastime in the Ukrainian tradition. After the jumps, wreaths were thrown into the water. On this night, girls divined their love.

Beliefs about fern blossoms on Ivan Kupala

There is a belief that fern blossoms appear on the night of Ivan Kupala. It is very difficult to find it, but the one who finds it will receive extraordinary power: he will be able to understand the language of animals, see the future and heal people. Legends about the fern flower were reflected in Ukrainian folklore. This legend was repeatedly used in songs and poems.

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Author: alex

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