Why men cheat at stag parties: 3 red flags to look out for


Men seem to be notorious for cheating on men's holidays. But why? Relationship expert Sarah Lee answers.

Why men cheat on bachelor parties

So, it happens that at parties people do things that they don't do at home. And some may do it consciously, because they believe that usual rules don't apply on vacation. The good news is that, of course, not everyone becomes unfaithful at bachelorette parties or vacations away from home.

In healthy relationships, people usually don't need to control each other, forbid things, and so on. Healthy couplehas an adult and open communication about his feelings, and, accordingly, has his own understanding of the concept of “betrayal” and defined expectations. And all this forms mutual trust.

Trust is not a one-time thing, it is affected by constant behavior, so it will be difficult to trust someone if at the beginning of the relationship he was attentive and understanding, and after a couple of months he stopped doing it , says Sarah Lee.

Some people think that the usual rules don't apply at a holiday or a party/Freepik photo

Yes, unfortunately, trust can be shaken. The reasons may be different, but most often they lie precisely in the behavior of each of the couples. Verbal reassurances that you haven't cheated may be enough to allay fears, butactions speak much louder.

So what red flags in behavior should you be on the lookout for?

b> This is if the partner's behavior does not match his words. If he says that you are the most important person in the world for him, but does not behave in accordance with these words.

It may look like they do not call you when they promise, do not listen to you, do not find time, to see you, or they don't put you as a priority, the expert explained.

And here we are talking not only about a trip or a party, but about the general state of the relationship. In short, if you pay attention to these flags, it may help you calm down or do a little investigation:

  • Ignoring anxiety and your feelings.
  • The behavior does not match the words.
  • < li>Does not find time to see you.

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Author: alex

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