Why more and more 30-year-old men remain single
This question has become relevant, when in Europe, North America and Asia, the share of 30-year-old men began to approach a frightening mark. Why this happened: let's try to answer this question and deal with the problem.
Young people began to keep their childhood and youth hobbies in adult life. This began to be marked by the concept of “adult child”, with such a perception of the world and a model of behavior, such features as a departure from responsibility and superficial rash decisions in life are characteristic. But this in no way prevents them from being good interlocutors, loyal friends and reliable colleagues.
The increase in life expectancy and human well-being made it possible to postpone the period of adulthood to a later date. This shift is most clearly visible on the example of Asian countries (China, Japan, South Korea). Parents began to let their children swim less often, allowing them to stay in their parents' house for a long time, providing them with everything they need.
The extreme aspects of feminism in developed countries have led to the deterioration of the institution of marriage and the revision of social norms. Feminism has grown into a means of fighting men. Therefore, men began to minimize contacts with women in order to avoid negative consequences for themselves.
Paradox of choice
The ideal external image, imposed in most countries of the world, has become a symbol of the era of consumerism. This is an important aspect that conveys to the individual the opportunity to sell himself as a “commodity” in order to realize himself in life. That is what causes psychological dependence on the opinions of others. Society constantly makes comparisons. How does it affect? And it's very simple: when meeting a girl, the attributes of a good life are important, and if the guy does not have the body of a Greek god or a nice appearance, a successful career or a car with an apartment, the chances even for communication become less and less. Men experience great disappointment from rejections and this leads to withdrawal and social isolation. A man remembers such images for the rest of his life and will always be afraid to repeat his failures in the past.
Career and work
Young people began to suffer from “workaholism” more often. They have little time left to build relationships. The basis of this concept lies in the possible reason for such a decision – it is “escape from reality”. Work becomes a kind of compensation when a person, immersing himself in work, forgets about problems in life. Another thought – to be successful you need to be as independent as possible.
Comfort zone
Young people began to form a certain comfort zone around themselves – this applies to sleep, eating habits, hobbies and recreation. Stereotypes about female tantrums, marriage and childbirth lead young people to stress and violation of psychological boundaries. In addition, if any difficult conflict situation occurs in the relationship, young people part ways without solving the problems. How to compromise and come to an agreement, if the world around dictates the following mottos: “no one owes anyone anything”, “be free”, “do whatever you want for yourself”. Therefore, egocentrism and fear plunge men into a comfort zone from which there is no way out. Living for yourself, without sacrificing your comfort, becomes the only solution.
Biological clock
In men who pass the 30-year mark, other life priorities are formed, youthful maximalism is replaced by ” perfectionism' and experience. In addition, he finds women his age less attractive than younger girls, who in turn may not consider him as a future life partner. As a result of all this, it is more and more difficult for a man to find his second half.
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