Why mouth ulcers appear and how to treat them

Ulcers – These are round or oval wounds with a white or yellow center and a red border. In the mouth, they are on the tongue, gums, soft palate or cheeks. Wounds are not contagious.

What are ulcers

Doctors distinguish several types. The most common are small, oval with a red edge. They last for 1-2 weeks and do not leave scars.

Sometimes large ulcers appear. Deeper, rounder, have clear borders. Such sores are very painful and pass within six weeks. Scars may remain afterwards.

Herpetiform ulcers are very rare in old age. They form small clusters of many identical small wounds, the size of a pinhead. These ulcers can merge with each other. However, they heal without a trace in 1-2 weeks.

Why do mouth ulcers appear

The exact reasons are unknown. But doctors believe that various factors, including diseases, provoke ulcers. Here are the most likely triggers:

  • Injuries of the mucous membrane. For example, when brushing teeth, dental procedures, playing sports, or while eating.
  • Toothpastes or rinses that contain sodium lauryl sulfate.
  • Certain foods. Chocolate, coffee, strawberries, eggs, nuts, sour and spicy food can irritate the mucous membrane of the mouth.
  • Deficiency of vitamin B12, folic acid or iron.
  • Allergic reaction to certain bacteria in the mouth .
  • Helicobacter pylori bacteria, which causes chronic inflammation and ulcers.
  • Hormonal changes in women during the menstrual cycle.
  • Emotional stress.
  • Intestinal pathologies. For example, celiac disease, Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis.
  • Behcet's disease. This is a rare pathology accompanied by inflammation throughout the body.
  • Autoimmune diseases in which the body attacks healthy tissues.
  • HIV or AIDS. They suppress the work of the immune system.

When exactly you need to see a doctor

Most ulcers go away on their own in 1-2 weeks. Consult a specialist if you have sharp edges on your teeth or wear dental appliances that injure the mucous membrane. The help of a dentist or therapist is also required in the following cases:

  • Ulcers of unusually large size.
  • New sores appear earlier than the previous ones have healed.
  • Ulcers do not disappear for more than two weeks.
  • The lesion reaches the border of the lips.
  • Severe pain that does not help with medication.
  • It is difficult to drink or eat.
  • Body temperature rises.
  • Bleeding in the morning.
  • Ulcers are located deep in the throat.

< h2>How to treat mouth ulcers

To speed up the healing process, doctors advise drinking through a tube, not eating solid food, using a toothbrush with soft bristles and eating a balanced diet. It is also not recommended to consume acidic or hot drinks, spicy or salty food. You should also give up chewing gum and change your toothpaste.

If the ulcers do not heal within 1-2 weeks, you should consult a doctor. He will prescribe treatment.

Mouth rinse

The specialist will prescribe a solution that includes a steroid hormone to reduce pain and inflammation. In some cases, the mouth is rinsed with drugs with an anesthetic.

Food supplements

If the doctor believes that sores appear due to a deficiency of vitamins or certain trace elements, he will prescribe supplements B6 and B12, folic acid or zinc.


Over-the-counter gels, pastes, ointments or solutions can be used to reduce pain and speed up healing. In some cases, the root cause of mouth ulcers is treated. For example, removing Helicobacter pylori from the body or using hormones to affect the immune system.


To get rid of the ulcer, it can be baked. This is done with the help of special tools or chemicals. But even they are not always effective, although they shorten wound healing to one week.

How to prevent the appearance of ulcers in the mouth

For prevention, you need to follow simple tips:

  • Eat a balanced diet. To avoid nutrient deficiencies, eat more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Try to reduce the amount of salty, spicy and sour food in your diet. Such food irritates the mucous membrane of the mouth.
  • Follow the rules of hygiene. To do this, regularly brush your teeth with a soft-bristled brush after meals, floss at least once a day.
  • Avoid pastes and rinses containing sodium lauryl sulfate.
  • Take care of your mouth . If you wear braces or other dental devices, make sure they do not injure the mucous membrane.
  • Control stress. Ulcers can appear after strong experiences, so you need to learn to calm down and not worry about little things. Maybe you should do meditation or breathing exercises.

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Author: alex

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