Why not everyone feels the invigorating effect of coffee

Not every person has a stimulating effect of coffee. It all depends on the variant of the CYP1A2 gene, which controls the enzyme that breaks down caffeine.


People are divided into “fast” and “slow” metabolizers of caffeine, which makes one sleep soundly, even drinking coffee shortly before bedtime, and someone will suffer from insomnia because of a cup of espresso at lunch.

“Coffee does not give a charge of strength and energy at all, but simply “blocks” adenosine receptors. in the brain, and with them the feeling of fatigue, which creates a temporary feeling of vigor, which should definitely not be abused,” say nutritionists.

People with low blood pressure feel better from coffee, but coffee is not always good for hypertensive people. Some people are prone to heart palpitations from one cup of coffee, others will have nothing after five.

It is important to remember the diuretic, i.e. diuretic property of coffee and to avoid dehydration, compensate each cup of the drink with a glass of water .

“Also, coffee increases choleretic function, so for people with reduced secretion and impaired bile flow, a cup of coffee after dinner will help improve fermentation and digestion,” doctors report.

if you need to monitor your weight and cannot go beyond the daily caloric intake.

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Author: alex

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