Why older women choose younger men: how long do such relationships last

Currently, more and more women 40+ want to meet younger men, in fact, there are many advantages to this choice.

Great sex

A woman's sexuality blossoms most strongly after 40 years, when manhood is on the decline. Therefore, a mature woman will be an ideal partner for a 30-year-old man. The degree of passion in such a couple is usually simply incredible, and this has a wonderful effect on life together.

Men in their forties would rather watch football or go fishing instead of sex, forgetting that their partner at forty-five is the same again as at twenty-five. She needs more than just the status of a married woman.

As for young men, they also have a win here. A girl can ignore the sexual appeals of a partner of the same age, because her libido is still asleep. But a mature woman will willingly support all the sexual fantasies of her young partner, including her own ideas. In sex, adult women are more relaxed, active and skilled, and this fascinates younger partners.

Youth and health

When a mature woman meets a young man, she seems to get a second youth. This connection is more rejuvenating than beauty injections and the gym. Firstly, it has a good effect on the emotional state, confidence in one's attractiveness increases due to the fact that a woman can start an affair even with a young guy. Secondly, the release of sex hormones stimulates the formation of substances in the body that prevent the appearance of wrinkles and premature aging.

In addition, sexually active women are usually the same in social life. They have a good career, established communications, because such women are attractive, always smiling and positive. That's why other people want to communicate with them.

Status confirmation

According to statistics, affairs with young men are started by women who have their own business or have achieved significant success in their careers. For example, in Sweden, more than a third of business leaders are women, and their number has doubled over the past 20 years. And working as a manager means status and power, which are often very attractive to young men without such achievements. And women, in turn, are impressed by the fact that next to them there is a young, attractive, strong and sexy representative of the stronger sex.

Older women attract young guys with their erudition, charisma and independence, with them it is more interesting and not ashamed to show off on people In addition, older women are less emotional, do not “bear” the brain and do not require constant attention.

How long can such relationships last

Statistics show that 53% of marriages where a man and a woman are of the same age, after 3-5 years they break up. This especially applies to young couples who can live together even less than a year and break up. And in European countries, unequal marriages, where the woman is older than the man by 10 years or more, have long been considered normal, besides, it is currently fashionable. On average, such relationships last for more than 10 years, until the older wife does not grow old at all, and the husband finds a younger one.

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Author: alex

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