Why salted fish is bitter: not all housewives know
If we buy ready-made salted fish , then we can mainly face only one problem – an excess of salt. There are usually no other defects. However, many housewives like to salt fish themselves. Thanks to this, you can give the desired shade of taste and choose a high-quality product.
But when salting at home, sometimes an unpleasant surprise arises – the fish becomes bitter.
What could this be connected with
As it turned out, the reason for adding onions is not the most pleasant aftertaste of bitterness. This vegetable is often used as the main component in salting.
It is difficult to do without onions.
If you want to protect yourself from the taste of bitterness, then this is not so difficult to achieve. There are several ways to solve the problem. For example, chopped onions should be poured with boiling water.
This trick will help get rid of bitterness.
If you don't like this option, you can leave the onions in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. This will also help to improve its taste.
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