Why should you decisively refuse to drink tea with sugar
tea should be drunk without adding sugar. According to doctors, the habit of using sweetened tea regularly damages metabolic processes, provokes obesity and a number of other diseases.
nutritionists consider tea with sugar a dangerous enemy of a slender figure. The fact that the absorption of fast carbohydrates with hot fluid is most likely to provoke an increase in blood glucose. This is not in use for teeth.
In addition, sugar in teas (black) prevents the absorption of vitamin B1 by the body required for the normal activity of the nervous system. The study has shown that lovers of excessively sweet drink risks to get a dementia of 54% more than others. Secondly, it will be twice as effective to work the intestine, as metabolism will accelerate. Third, the skin will improve the skin: acne and acne will disappear. It is this process that accelerates the aging of the skin, promotes the formation of wrinkles, disrupts pigmentation. Sugar refusal makes the skin smooth and radiant.
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