Why sleeping in a cool room is good for health

Do you want to sleep better and in the morning feel more energetic? We know how to achieve this!

Scientists have proven that it is better to sleep in a room where the temperature varies from 15 to 20 degrees Celsius. Is it cool? Maybe. Instead, it is useful, says Dr. Christopher Winter, medical director of the Center for Neurology and Sleep in Charlottesville (USA) in his article. At a temperature above 24 or below 10 degrees, a person's sleep will be restless.

Why does it matter at all?

The fact is that a person's body temperature decreases during sleep, reaching the lowest values ​​up to 5 a.m. Therefore, cooler air in the room promotes sound sleep, says Winter.

Here are the main arguments FOR cool air temperature in the bedroom:

  • Sleep more restfully
  • Research conducted at the University of South Australia has shown that some forms of insomnia are caused by poor body temperature regulation. If you struggle to fall asleep, the colder air will help your body cool down to reach a level of deep, restorative sleep.
  • Keeping you young. Sleeping in a room where the temperature exceeds 20 degrees Celsius makes it difficult to produce melatonin, the main antiaging hormone.
  • Weight loss. Doctor Natasha Turner says that lowering body temperature helps reduce the level of the stress hormone cortisol in the body. If a person does not get enough sleep, stress accumulates, and they often fight it with not the healthiest methods.
  • Reducing the risk of developing metabolic diseases. Scientists believe that regular sleep at a temperature not higher than 18 degrees reduces the risk of developing diabetes. Research participants not only burned more calories in their sleep, but also doubled the amount of brown fat, which prevents obesity.

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Author: alex

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