Why strawberry seedlings die: find out the reasons
Strawberries are propagated by seedlings. However, seedlings do not always survive.
The reason for this can be various factors, which you need to know in advance to prevent the death of plants.
4 reasons for the death of seedlings
< strong>1. Incorrect choice of soil.Strawberry seedlings require loose nutrient soil. Heavy soil does not allow the root system to fully grow, there is not enough air in it. It is better to buy special soil for seedlings. If you take garden soil, it should be mixed with peat and loosening agent (perlite or vermiculite) in a ratio of 6:3:2.
2. Lack of light. Strawberry seedlings need bright light for growth. If the seedlings do not get enough light, they will become weak and vulnerable to diseases and pests.
3. Excess moisture. Strawberries need regular watering to stay healthy and strong. But an excess of moisture leads to rotting of the roots and the spread of other fungal diseases.
4. Improper use of fertilizers.Fertilizers in inexperienced hands often do more harm than good. Top dressing on dry soil leads to burns of the roots, an excessive amount of fertilizers provokes the development of diseases. If you are not sure whether the plant needs fertilizer, it is better to wait. A “hungry” seedling will be stronger than an “overfed” one. When transplanted or after fertilizing, it will quickly start growing and make up for what was lost, while plants after excessive fertilizing take a long time to recover, become more vulnerable to diseases and pests (especially with an overdose of nitrogen).
How to ensure seedlings from death
The most common cause of seedling death is disease. Especially among purchased plants. Therefore, experienced gardeners recommend that seedlings with an open root system be soaked in water for half an hour before planting, and then immersed in a solution of a strong fungicide (for example, Maxim or Fundazol). This will kill pathogens at the root. You should also continue to regularly treat with biological fungicides (e.g., “Fitosporin”) until the plant gets stronger.
When growing home seedlings, it is sufficient to carry out preventive soil treatments with biofungicides according to the instructions.
To avoid strawberry seedling death, you need to make sure you use the right soil, provide enough light and water, feed it with the right fertilizers and don't overwater it. It is also important to monitor the condition of seedlings in order to notice any signs of disease and take timely measures.
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