Why the chicken turns out dry: 3 mistakes of housewives
Many housewives do not often pamper their home baked whole chicken only because the meat is dry. Dry meat is difficult to call tasty, although baked chicken can look very appetizing.
Chicken meat, despite the simplicity of preparation that seems at first glance, requires a special approach . It is worth making only a few inaccuracies and the meat will turn out to be very dry.
What mistakes should be remembered
- Do not forget about salt
Some housewives are literally afraid to add salt, because it allegedly deprives the meat of moisture and juiciness. But you can't bake a delicious chicken without salt.
Experienced chefs offer a great cooking method, thanks to which chicken meat turns out juicy and tasty.
Dissolve a spoonful of salt in water and place it in the solution , which turned out, chicken for half an hour.
This will allow you to prepare a perfect dish.
2. Importance of marinade
No hostess will forget to marinate lamb, pork or beef, but chicken is often left without this important stage.
As a result, the meat turns out dry and not very high-quality.
Therefore, do not forget to send the chicken to the marinade for at least half an hour.
3. Wrong choice of temperature
If you choose a temperature of 200 degrees and above, then you can not even dream of a juicy chicken. Yes, with this approach, the crust will definitely appear, but the meat itself will remain dry.
Therefore, try to limit yourself to 180 degrees. This is quite enough to bake a delicious chicken.
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