Why the eyelid is stretching: five dangerous causes


in most cases. But if the eyelid, which closes the person for several weeks, should be checked for physical reasons: some of them may be dangerous.

increased pressure. As a result, the effect of the eyelid that is pulled. Therefore, when such a tube occurs, you should start measuring blood pressure regularly – preferably at different times of the day. The effects of constantly high blood pressure can be a life -threatening disorder or stroke.

stress and burning. It is a clear body signal that it needs rest.

magnesium deficiency. magnesium supports the function of muscles and nerves, its lack can cause convulsions, contractions. If there are also symptoms such as headache and sleep disorders and sleep disorders, the cause is most likely in magnesium deficiency.

thyroid disease. If there is too much hormones, such unpleasant phenomena as increased heartbeat, nervousness, muscle.

alcohol abuse. One of the visible signals of this process can be uncontrolled eyelid.

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Author: alex

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