Why the eyes need lutein and in which products to look for it
Lutein is a natural pigment that belongs to the group of carotenoids. It accumulates in eye tissues, primarily in the retina, and is an important component of eye health. This substance also has anti-inflammatory properties and works as an antioxidant, reducing the damage caused by free radicals.
Studies show that lutein plays a major role in maintaining vision and eye health. In particular, it can reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration – one of the main causes of age-related vision loss and blindness.
Sources of lutein
The human body cannot synthesize this substance, so it is important that it comes with food. There are a number of products that are especially rich in lutein. These are:
- basil;
- parsley;
- spinach;
- green onions;
- curly cabbage (kale);
- peas;
- corn;
- lettuce;
- broccoli;
- single-grain wheat;
- eggs.
Scientists single out the latter products in particular and advise including them in your diet to protect your eyes. One of the best sources of lutein and another eye-healthy carotenoid, zeaxanthin, is egg yolk, according to a study published in the journal Nutrients. Due to the presence of fats, it has increased bioavailability.
Experts note: the digestibility of lutein is affected by lipids. Therefore, along with vegetables and leafy greens rich in this substance, it is necessary to eat something that contains fats. You can, for example, dress the salad with oil or sour cream.
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