Why the eyes swell and how to deal with it, the ophthalmologist told

As a rule, swelling of the upper or lower eyelid is just an unpleasant irritation that passes by itself during the day. But if the swelling does not subside or appears regularly, it is important to find its cause to avoid various complications.

“Any swelling that lasts more than 24-48 hours requires a visit to an ophthalmologist, because sometimes it has a serious underlying condition that can lead to blindness,” said ophthalmologist Annapurna Singh.

According to her, there are several reasons that cause swelling. These include:

  • allergy;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • barley;
  • chalazion;
  • < li>trauma;

  • Graves disease (diffuse toxic goiter, Based disease);
  • orbital cellulitis.

How to get rid of swelling

First of all, the doctor advised to wash the eyes with cool water, which will help reduce irritation.

You can also try applying a cool compress to the eyelids. Even a napkin soaked in cold water will do.

If the swelling is caused by an allergy, you should use antihistamine eye drops. However, before using them, a doctor's consultation is necessary, Singh emphasized.

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Author: alex

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