Why the use of sugar threatens metabolic disorders
Scientists are close to discovering the exact cellular mechanism that binds excessive sugar consumption and metabolic diseases. At the same time, a person cannot completely give up sugar.
Our body needs glucose to survive and get energy, but an excess of sweets harms health. Excessive consumption of added sugars not only increases weight, but also provokes chronic metabolic diseases, including diabetes and hypertension. Finally, excess sugar is a direct path to cardiovascular disease and metabolic disorders. Until recently, scientists did not really understand why excess sugar in the diet creates the ground for metabolic diseases at the cellular level.
And here in the scientific journal Cell Reports, the results of a study were published, which showed that excess sugar leads to , that mitochondria become less efficient. And this causes a decrease in energy production. We will remind you that some scientists allegorically call mitochondria the small power plants of our body. They are the ones who process glucose into energy, which is needed to carry out absolutely all processes.
According to the authors of the study, when excess glucose accumulates in the cells, which is a consequence of sugar absorption, the lipid composition changes throughout the body. And this has a negative impact on the integrity of mitochondria and their functionality. This study was conducted by scientists from the Van Andel Institute in the USA. They also proposed a new model for studying the initial metabolic events that can contribute to the development of such a super-widespread disease on our planet as diabetes.
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