Why this day is considered dangerous: prohibitions and traditions on the holiday of February 4
Today's date is notable for its unique folk traditions and prohibitions. We figured out what holiday is celebrated on February 4 in Ukraine and around the world, what you can't do, and which celebrities were born on this date.
What is the church holiday today?
According to the new style, today is the church day of memory of Saint Nicholas the Studite. It is customary to pray to him for the healing of diseases. According to the old style, believers honor the apostle Timothy from the 70s.
What is the holiday in Ukraine today?
There are no official celebrations in our country. The national holiday in Ukraine today is Nicholas the Studite or Nicholas the Winter.
Among the prominent Ukrainians born on this date were folklorist Kliment Kvitka, psychologist Stepan Baley, football player Oleg Protasov, hero of the Heavenly Hundred Vasyl Aksenyn, hero of the battles for Donetsk airport Serhiy Kolodiy.
What holiday is today in the world?
World Cancer Day is celebrated on February 4th in the world. The purpose of this memorable date is to spread knowledge about the symptoms of cancer and find new ways to treat it. It has been proven that the risk of tumors can be reduced if you lead a healthy lifestyle and give up bad habits.
Cancer Day is a good reason to undergo a medical examination, for example, a mammogram for women. Annual diagnostics will help detect the disease at an early stage.
Also celebrated in the world today are the following holidays: Human Fraternity Day, Vacuum Creation Day, World Oncologist's Day, Neanderthal Day, and Postmen's Appreciation Day.
Among the world's celebrities born on February 4, are writer Francois Rabelais, writer Bozhena Nemtsova, astronomer Clyde William Tombaugh, musicians John Steele, Alice Cooper, and Kevin Wasserman.
What holiday is today according to the folk calendar?
The holiday is known today by the people as Nikola Studeny. In ancient times, severe frosts and blizzards often struck on this date. Since ancient times, the day has been considered dangerous for travel – our ancestors believed that trouble or an attack by wild animals could happen on the road. The holiday was spent at home doing household chores.
What not to do today – prohibitions and signs
It is important to remember which holiday is coming up today in order to know about its prohibitions. On this date, you cannot go to wild places – forests, mountains, abandoned areas. You should not dress inappropriately, as there is a high risk of getting sick. In general, this is an unlucky day for traveling.
The following weather signs are known for February 4:
- if the frost intensifies during the day, then expect a cold snap;
- the windows are steaming – to warming;
- if pets are behaving restlessly, then there will be a blizzard;
- frost on trees portends a large grain harvest.
The weather on February 4 will bring a cold snap and night frosts. Light rain or sleet is possible during the day.
Whose Angel Day is today?
According to the new style, Angel Day on February 4 falls on the names Andriy, Arkady, Boris, Vasyl, Georgy, Dmitry, Yegor, Ibrahim, Ivan, Joseph, Kirill, Mikhail, Nikolay, Alexander, Alexey, Ostap, Peter, Seraphim, Sergey, Theodore, Fedor, Yuri, Yan, Anna, Kateryna.
According to the old style, the holiday on February 4 is celebrated by Gavrilo, Georgy, Yegor, Yefim, Ivan, Joseph, Leon, Leonty, Makar, Nikolay, Peter, Timofey, Emmanuel, Jacob, Yan.
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