Why yellow pumpkin leaves in some gardeners

The yellowed pumpkin leaves scares the cottagers, but in fact the problem can be easily solved. Of course, measures should be taken to maintain the crop and its taste. In most cases, the pumpkin develops normally and the leaves are green. However, there are weather conditions and errors that can cause such a problem.Prolonged heat or cooling adversely affect the culture. It is usually a lot of stress. If we do little at low temperatures, then the heat can be compensated for by irrigation. Experts recommend planting pumpkin when the soil is confidently warmed up to +15 degrees. There are several recommendations:

  1. seeds are recommended before planting. Gardeners use growth stimulants.
  2. Exterminate weeds that select some of the nutrients from the pumpkin.
  3. soil disinfection and garden tools. It is often a lot of it, and in vain. You can bring the infection into the soil by accident.
  4. Compliance with crop rotation. It is not necessary to plant pumpkin in one place for several years in a row. The fact is that if the pumpkin is watered regularly, there may be a problem. Abundant watering is needed in only one case: there is a long hot period.

    Watering should be performed when the period of solar activity is complete. It is better to refuse morning irrigation, because in the process of warming the soil will evaporate quickly.

  5. manganese.
  6. sulfur.
  7. iron.
  8. copper.
  9. boron and others.
  10. As practice shows, many summer residents do not make any fertilizers for pumpkins, but simply use complex fertilizers for the whole area. There is no mistake, because if the pumpkin grows on fertile soil, it does not need feeding. In this case, the ovaries begin to fall and the leaves dry up.

  11. anthracosis;
  12. root rot.
  13. How to deal with diseases

    there are folk methods and special preparations. From folk methods it is possible to use wood ash or 1% infusion of urea. The concentration should always be determined individually. But many folk methods do not show proper efficiency. By applying the eye, you can cause serious harm to crops. This will keep moisture in the soil;

  14. you should not leave more than 4 ties. Otherwise, they will take food that need to be fetal development. Their influence is insignificant but situations are different.

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Author: alex

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