Why you can't drink only coffee for breakfast: three health consequences

Many people drink coffee to wake up and get a boost of energy. However, only one invigorating drink in the morning without a full breakfast will not benefit the body, according to experts. They told what it can lead to.


Coffee helps to wake up, but this effect is only temporary. If the body does not have a supply of nutrients, after the caffeine has worn off, a person feels tired already in the afternoon. In addition, coffee does not contain proteins or fiber, so without a full breakfast, the body will not be able to function properly. The best way to combat this is to combine coffee with a breakfast that contains proteins and carbohydrates.


If you drink only coffee for breakfast, by the middle of the day you will have a lot of who becomes irritable. This is also due to the fact that the body lacks nutrients. The fact is that if you do not eat for a long time, the level of sugar in the blood drops, as a result of which it is more difficult for a person to cope with stress. Experts advise: even if there is no feeling of hunger in the morning, it is better to try to eat within the first two hours after waking up and not limit yourself to one coffee.

Weight gain

If replace breakfast with just a cup of coffee, insulin levels can become unbalanced. As a result, the brain sends signals to the body to eat foods high in fat and sugar, which leads to overeating. A breakfast that contains fiber and protein will help you maintain energy until lunch and not overeat.

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Author: alex

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