Why you can't fall asleep: 6 common reasons for a night problem

Problems falling asleep as a variant, insomnia can occur regardless of fatigue accumulated during the day.

On average, an adult person needs seven to nine hours of sleep per day, but people who suffer from insomnia will regularly suffer from a lack of this standard. According to experts, an eloquent sign that a person does not get enough sleep is a constant feeling of fatigue during the day.

Meanwhile, the National Health Service (NHS, Great Britain) states: in many cases, difficulty falling asleep and insomnia at night can be corrected along with changing some habits and conditions. When talking about why you can't fall asleep, experts named common causes of this problem that can be corrected.

Booze. According to doctor Tim Goodwin, alcohol (if it is already consumed) should drink at least 6 hours before falling asleep. Otherwise, it will block REM sleep mechanisms.

Rest on weekends.NHS experts state that people who allow themselves to sleep longer on weekends should limit themselves to one hour – a longer rest can disrupt the circadian rhythm. But ideally, you should go to bed and get up at the same time every day – maintaining this habit is one of the best ways to prevent insomnia and problems falling asleep.

Daytime napping. National the health service recommends trying to stay awake during the day if a person suffers from insomnia.

Lighting.Artificial light in the evening (especially late) hours has a negative effect on the brain's function of producing the sleep hormone melatonin. Watching TV before going to sleep or using devices with a luminous display, lights outside the bedroom window with a thin curtain – all this can cause you to fall asleep quickly.

Plenty of food. Big the number of snacks before bed and eating in bed are also mentioned among the common factors that disrupt sleep hygiene.

Environment. For people prone to insomnia, its quality can be of primary importance . How dark and quiet the bedroom is, how comfortable the bed and pillow are, whether electronic devices and animals are nearby – anxiety triggers that disrupt a night's rest can be various circumstances. But in any case, experts say, the place of sleep should be associated only with sleep. If you cannot fall asleep within 15-20 minutes, it is better to leave the bed and try to do something calm (read a book).

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Author: alex

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