Why you can't go to the cemetery on the birthday of the deceased: not everyone knows about this
A very controversial question arises when a person wants to visit a cemetery on the birthday of the deceased. Some people believe that this cannot be done, but some insist that it is not prohibited.
Is it possible to visit the cemetery on the birthday of the deceased, writes Glavred.
Why should you not go to the cemetery on the birthday of the deceased
In the folk there is the belief that you can't go to the cemetery on your birthday. This statement is related to the fact that this day is considered the birthday of the soul, not the body. On his birthday, the soul of the deceased will visit his grave and may be frightened and upset if living people are present in the cemetery.
There is also another explanation for this belief. It was believed that on the birthday of the deceased, he can return to the world of the living and, if living people come to the cemetery, they can prevent him from returning to the afterlife.
However, in Ukrainian tradition there is no ban on visiting a cemetery on a birthday the deceased Commemoration of the dead can be carried out on any day, including on their birthday, according to the church.
So, the question of whether you can visit the cemetery on the birthday of the deceased is purely personal, because everyone he himself decides whether to believe in these beliefs or not.
However, for example, in Christianity, Sunday is often considered a holy day, on which one cannot visit the cemetery. This is so, because Sunday is the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This day is dedicated to God and visiting the cemetery on this day is considered a violation of the holiday. So, in some Christian traditions, visiting a cemetery on Sunday, from the point of view of religious beliefs, can be perceived as unlucky or unacceptable.
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