Why you constantly want to eat: common reasons
Recently had dinner, but want to eat again – what reasons can be hidden behind similar failures of appetite and satiety?
The body needs water.According to doctors, people often think they are hungry, while physiologically their body feels thirsty. This is due to the fact that the neurological signals of hunger and thirst are processed by the same area of the brain. Try to drink water first if you feel like eating again after a recent meal.
A way to distract yourself. Food is often referred to as a means that allows you not only to occupy yourself somehow, but also distract from unwanted thoughts, bad mood. At such moments, it is better to be physically active – it is a healthier and more useful way to distract yourself.
Lack of routine. Nutritionists state that people who eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time every day are less likely to experience impulsive and uncontrolled hunger pangs.
Exhaustion. Paradox. , but a person can consume a large amount of food and at the same time suffer from a lack of nutrients. This usually happens when the products of deep industrial processing, which contain very little fiber, vitamins and minerals, are actively eaten. If a person eats a lot of sweet, floury food, then as a result of a lack of trace elements needed by the body and spikes in blood sugar, he will constantly feel hungry.
Restless meals. Scientists emphasize that the process of taking eating requires a certain concentration of attention, concentration, calmness. If food is absorbed too quickly, while standing or on the go, or is accompanied by other activities that distract attention, for example, working at a computer, then a person does not notice his satiety.
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