Why you need to remove snow from under plums, cherries, and apricots in winter
Winter can be a real test. Temperature drops, frost, and in recent years, increased humidity have become a big problem. Rain instead of snowfall is no better. If you have a winter with a lot of snow, you will have to visit the garden and help the stone trees.
Why it should be done
Summer residents explained why it is necessary to remove snow from the trunk circle around apricot and plum trees, as well as cherries.
When the temperature rises and the sun shines, a snow cup forms around the trunk. Meltwater accumulates there. As a result, there is a situation where water stands there during the day, and at night it turns into ice. This leads to cracks in the bark of trees and frostbite wounds. Such a simple action will help reduce the risk of damage to the root collar.
There will also be work for those who have not whitewashed the trees. In December, you can wrap them with non-woven material. Therefore, in winter, the garden also needs to be looked after and watched to make sure that everything is in order.
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