Why you should not sleep with an open window: the explanation of scientists

Although fresh air useful for the body, scientists from Germany state that in the end an open window can do more harm than good for health.

Researchers representing the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz came to the conclusion that a window in it is better to close the bedroom at night. According to scientists, you should not sleep with the window open, first of all, based on the problem of silence.

A common reason that worsens night sleep is traffic noise. Scientists explain that it has a great impact on well-being and health even when a person is asleep, seemingly without noticing it.

“The louder the traffic noise, the more our recovery phase is disturbed. Living in the city, you should close the window before going to bed”.

According to scientific experts, when a car passes nearby, the body of a sleeping person releases stress hormones that can cause a sharp jump in cholesterol and blood pressure. This, in turn, increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, nighttime stress can contribute to mental illnesses – depression, anxiety, neurosis.

Experts recommend thoroughly airing the bedroom before going to bed. According to their report, thanks to this, it is possible to achieve a comfortable temperature, quite enough to stay in the room until morning without opening the window.

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Author: alex

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