Why you shouldn't put a collar on your cat: three reasons from an expert
Many cat owners put a collar on their cat – it can be a useful tool if it gets lost, and it also plays a role in the wildlife environment.
However, cat behavior expert Amanda Campion, who has 30 years of experience in this field, has warned owners of furry pets against such a step. In her TikTok video, she gave three reasons why you shouldn’t put a collar on your cat.
Collars are “obsolete” and no longer necessary
“There’s no need to put a collar on your cat — you should microchip it instead,” she explained.
She added that typically in today’s world, if your cat gets lost, the person who finds it will take it to a vet or rescue center, who can identify its owner simply by scanning the chip. “Let’s face it, cats can still lose their collars, and then [without a chip] it’s impossible to identify who they belong to.”
Amanda then warned about the health risks that collars pose to cats. “I’ve known cats who have been strangled and caught in branches and trees by collars that were ill-fitting or didn’t have a safety mechanism,” she said.
“It’s unpleasant for a cat’s sensitive hearing,” she explained.
But if you’re still worried about your cat going outside, you can always put an “Elizabethan frill collar” on her. It’s discreet and will help alert a potential victim to the cat’s approach.
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