Why you shouldn't sleep on your stomach
According to statistics, approximately 75% of all people sleep on their stomachs. It's convenient, it's familiar, but sleeping in this position can cause serious health problems. We'll tell you why you should give up the habit of sleeping on your stomach once and for all.
The first thing that sleeping on your stomach will affect is your appearance. During sleep, your skin will inevitably rub against the fabric of the pillowcase, which can cause irritation, and pores can become clogged – as a result, inflammation appears. In addition, the unnatural position of the neck and spine disrupts the outflow of lymph, as a result of which you wake up with severe swelling.
When you sleep face down, the skin literally changes along the same lines every night, resulting in folds and wrinkles. This position is also dangerous for the décolleté area – in case of sleeping on your stomach, it will lead to premature aging of the skin, and at worst – problems with the health of the mammary glands.
The neck and back suffer no less: when the head is in an unnatural position for 6-8 hours, a strong load is placed on the spine. This can cause chronic back pain, and later scoliosis.
So what to do with all this? – Learn to sleep on your back. Yes, it is uncomfortable, and at first it may seem to you that sleeping on your back puts an incredible load on the spine and provokes discomfort. In fact, the body just needs some time to rebuild. But when you get used to this state, you will definitely notice changes, both in your appearance in the morning and in your overall well-being.
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