Why you shouldn't throw away grapefruit seeds: a nutritionist revealed the secret
The bones of the well-known grapefruit have a significant healing potential, the existence of which few people know about. And the combination in the form of seed extract and geranium oil is able to kill MRSA (golden staphylococcus), known as a supervirus.
As Turkiyegazetesi told with reference to nutritionist Merve Sir, the substances contained in the core of grapefruit are deadly for harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi. According to the expert, taking into account the benefits and strength of the seeds of the fruit, it can be considered a natural antibiotic.
Speaking about the benefits of eating the seeds in raw or processed form, Sir noted that they can cope with more than one ailment.
In particular, the combination of grapefruit seed extract and geranium oil provides better antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, which causes difficult-to-treat diseases in humans, such as sepsis, pneumonia and the so-called supervirus.
They, as the nutritionist assures, prevent inflammatory processes in the tissue of the pancreas. They also have a positive effect on blood pressure, normalizing it. They also reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and triglycerides.
As Sear pointed out, the reason for such a great healing effect from grapefruit seeds is that they contain flavonoids, which are an antioxidant substance.
Grapefruit is an evergreen citrus plant obtained in the 18th century. by crossing pomelo and orange.
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